Sometimes things just pile up in life and you need to take a break– so I did!
How can you miss me if I don’t go away? This year is flying by and I am catching up with my trip planning. I started to offer more weeklong programs this year and the planning is harder than the actual work on the trip.
Then add in the Italian holidays, which all need celebrating— and things stop!
We had Easter, Easter Monday then April 25th which is the liberation of Italy in the Second World War, followed by May 1, worker’s day. One long holiday!
Things will be back to normal once the holidays stop. I can’t imagine how insane it is going to be in Rome, for the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John the XXVI on April 27th.
Remember to stop and enjoy a sunset, smell the roses and just relax sometimes while on holiday too.
Until the next blog where i am back in the kitchen and cooking again— remember i have a dining guide on my website for Florence as well as recipes. The website is
Stop by.
I would love to see your cooking class schedule for the fall in Tuscany?
programs are online on the website I do custom programs all year long– so let me know your dates!