sorry for bad news twice in a row—
My friend Kyle Phillips just passed away on Monday.
Kyle was a food and wine writer and a gentle soul
He left us his translation of Artusi’s ” The Art of Eating Well” one of Italy’s treasures of cooking.
He also maintained two sites, one on food – ITALIAN FOOD for
and a wine blog Italian Wine Review
and another food blog- Cosa Bolle in Pentola
He has left us a fabulous legacy—
This is just such a shame and a terrible loss to his family, friends and the food community. Although I never met him personally. he did, on several occasions, write kind and supportive words about my work. May I add, Judy, that I am certain the reason he ever even saw my work is because you have been generous enough to share it. I am so sorry you lost a friend. Remember the good times, and may he rest in peace.