When I first started my website in 1997, I decided I wanted to share the places I loved to eat and drink in Florence and in Chianti. Not everyone can or wants to hire a guide when they visit Tuscany, but I hate they have to miss out on a great meal. I first had a online guide on my site, and now have been working on a dream, and turned it into an app.
Times have changed and I have been working with Sutro Media creating a Chianti: Food and Wine app and it is almost ready to be released. Like having me in the car with you, sharing my info as we drive along the 222 highway. (NOTE: THE SUTRO APP IS GONE AND REISSUED WITH MAP2APP FREE)
The great thing about the apps is that I can go back and add new places or correct news as often as I like.
Right now i have created a FB page where I am starting to post some Chianti news, tips etc and where I will keep for announcing events etc.
Although I have been in Italy for 30 years now, Italians love returning to the same places that they love, over and over again. I have been pushing myself to go beyond my limited favorites and stay on top of what is beautiful, tasting and fun!
Please stop by and LIKE my new page and you know I will be sure to keep you updated!
Here is one of my new friends in Chianti.
Meet Stefano, he gives Italian life lessons, while sipping wine! Take time to meet the people of Chianti and share their passions.
To me, the best vacations are where you make new friends. They are proud of where they live and want you to enjoy it and have the best time possible.
A typical question we always ask in a new town is ” Dov’e’ si mangia bene e si spende poco?”
Where can you eat well at a good price ( spending little).
Usually we ask the guys at the news stands or a cab driver.
Often small family run trattoria’s or truck stop style places have great food, but perhaps are not appealing from the outside.
Trust me!
If I love somewhere, you probably will too!
Right now I am making a list of wine and food festivals in Chianti, you wouldn’t want to miss a party would you?
While I am working, enjoy this traditional summer recipe on my website, Panzanella. It really hasn’t been hot enough yet for me to make it myself, so far I have just been making the base as a salad. Chopped tomatoes, cucumbers and fresh new sweet red onions with olive oil and sharp red vinegar, sprinkled with sea salt.
It is all about the ingredients here.
I am also including where to shop on the APP!
So, pass on the info to your friends coming to Chianti!!!
Everyone will need my guide to Chianti: Food & Wine . Forget EAT,PRAY, LOVE…. my versions is EAT,DRINK,SHOP, STAY
Oh, I think this will be great. I love your line “Trust me!” It ought to be your new motto. Having “curated” the finest shopping, eating and dining spots in Tuscany, you surely are THE source for good info.
As you note, you can update it, so this idea of an APP is far superior to a book. Years ago a friend was preparing for a trip to Paris. I took my copy of Patricia Wells’ “The Food Lover’s Guide to Paris” off my shelf and was going to give it to her when I realized it was twenty years old, something the owners of your APP won’t have to worry about.
Buona fortuna! I hope you sell a ton of them, and I hope that one day soon I will need to buy my own.
Your descriptions are lovely, romantic, inspiring….I shall return often – and dream thank you!!