When I was home last trip, went to the the Savory Spice Shop in Bend, Oregon and found some treasures I could not live without. A couple of new kinds if chili’s I had not used before, dried dill which I cannot get and some pink salt, not preserve meats with. Not Pink Himalayan salt, but Nitrites to make my own corned beef and or pastrami.
I spent time awhile back when the Charcutapalooza was going on making duck breast prosciutto, guanciale and some other of the preserved meats, but really, living in Italy almost all my butchers have fabulous products.
But no corned beef!
I used Micheal Ruhlman’s recipe from Charcuterie. It worked out perfectly. We make a lot of boiled beef here in Tuscany, but it comes out a rather bland brownish grey color, which is what people expect, so no big deal.
But the pink salt is what makes the meat have that pink color. It is also used to make bacon and some hams.
Here we tend to make lingua salmistrata or a cured tongue. Perhaps that is next on my list?
Or maybe just skip right to the pastrami???
I think pastrami is calling my name!
You beef looks wonderful! And I ADORE the Savory Spice Shop. I will never for get the first time I opened some cinnamon from them. It was heavily scented and so warm, the proverbial revelation. What a fine company!