I haven’t really quite figured out why they have so much halloween stuff in Italy.
They don’t trick or treat.
But in Florence there are 35 American university’s with study abroad programs, so that is a good reason for a toga party!
There is so much Americanisms now here.. not all good.
Being at the Salone del Gusto in Torino, talking about preserving traditions and at the same time seeing the halloween invading the shops… I was puzzled.
I hope some Italian slow food and slow life also invades the states!
That would be a real TREAT!
Treat yourself to some Dolce Vita… the sweet life… by taking time for yourself.. and go for quality.. not quantity.. you deserve it.
My friend Consy, near Rome, stocked up on sweets, expecting some kid to come ringing her bell. (I think it was actually a miracle that she bought instead of kame the sweets! Hinestly, I half-expected her to bake candies.) At half past 11 finally a group of three nearly-adults showed up. By then she was fast asleep on the couch with the cat, and the “trick’n’treaters” were received by her husband.
Also, if we need to swap traditions, and I think it may be one of the good things that come with globalization, better to swap festivities. More partying for all, YEAH! There are far worse traditions to guard ourselves from (on all sides, obviously!)
when I was visiting Scandicci a couple of weeks ago, the Scandicci fair was in full swing. The local Slow Food group had a nice big tent and I just loved it. I talked to a very nice woman for a while and ended up buying the Scandicci SlowFood group’s official apron. I wish I lived there again to be a part of such a cool movement and a great group of people.
Yes, every one in the states needs to SLOW DOWN, nourish themselves with real food, and actually give their taste buds a wake up call!
PS — Can’t wait to hear what my dry farm potato man from Tomales Bay says about his experince in Torino!
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