As we welcome in the New Year, my mind turns to all the things I have planned for 2006.
In March, my friend and fellow cooking teacher, Kate Hill of The French Kitchen in Agen and I will be presenting a panel on Pork with Fergus Henderson of St. John’s in London, the man whose book, Nose to Tail Eating, inspired out panel called Saints Preserve Us , the raising, preparation, preserving and the artisans and chefs that continue these age old traditions as well as the farmers who the pig provides year long substance.
In celebrating our lovely pigs, we are spending long cold winter days, testing recipes.
Many of these are SLOW FOODS, taking time to cook, slow simmering or roasting.
San Antonio Abate, St Anthony ( the Abbot) is the Patron Saint of Farm animals, as is always pictured with a pig at his feet, and other animals in the backround.
To celebrate San Antonio on January 17th and to incourage others to take time to do some slow cooking, Kate and I are going to organize a contest.
More coming after the First!
Get ready to go Whole Hog
See Captain Kate’s blog entry.. and get cooking!
Hey, I stumbled on this blog through the Going Whole Hog Blogspot Blog. Comments aren’t turned on there or I would have left appropriate feedback there. . .
Two things. As a fellow IACP member, smallholder and chef I applaud what you are doing. I can’t wait for the Seattle Conference–it’s in my backyard. I can’t wait to have the space to raise my own pigs again. This time, I don’t think I’ll stop. . . .
Second. I was thinking that comments and better yet–an RSS feed–or some way to notify people of your new posts would really take this project to the masses–there are many people who are very interested in this sort of thing. I stumbled upon it because I have a technorati search tag for the word “IACP” in my feed reader. Otherwise, who has time. . .?
Good luck and I can’t wait for further developments.